Saturday, May 14, 2016

Summer Movie Extravaganza!

My Dearest Hilary,

  Sorry to say, but you have a comic filled summer ahead of you. Marvel, they are a juggernaut in the comic book movie world. And poor DC, who can only do Batman movies well. Will Suicide Squad be DC's redemption film? More on that later. I will be seeing Captain America soon, and will see what ever numbered X-men movie when it comes out. I refuse to go opening weekend; I tend to go to weekday, early matinees! I maybe in my 30's but i have the movie viewing habits of a 70 year old! Also, if I did not have my MoviePass, I would not bother seeing these movies in the theatre; I would wait for the DVD. I am not gunna lie, I am not a die hard Marvel lover. I was interested in them in the early 90's; I collected the cards, had all the holograms, watched the X-Men cartoon, had the action figures and I read the Infinity Gauntlet Series, which this Avengers movie stuff leads up to. Do my panties get wet over every new comic book movie like the rest of geek-dom? Nope. My 'Looms are dry on this one.

  As for summer movies, I love all the genres from the big action blow 'em up CGI flicks, to the quiet indies that show up in the corners out of no where, like The Spectacular Now and Kings of Summer, both movies that also came out in summer of 2013. Summer and movies make sense to me. While everyone is baking their misshapen moles into future skin cancer, I am inside in AC, with a cold, fizzy drink, in the dark. Screw sunlight. Summers trapped in a theatre SM'ing really left an impact on me!

   You said film, I picked films, with an "s". Only three, but these three I feel will be talked about till December, right thru Award Season, taking home a few nominations and wins along the way. I chose, The Founder, Florence Foster Jenkins  and Suicide Squad. ALL are possible Oscar contenders in several categories.

   First, The Founder. I had no clue what this movie was until I watched the trailer. I thought it was about a founder of a cult! Where has this film been hiding?! This looks simply amazing! It has Oscar written all over it. What's with the Michael Keaton push in the recent years, tho? He is a great actor who has had a long career, not really known to do Oscar caliber movies. Now look at him! Birdman, Spotlight, now The Founder??! And the topic is so intriguing, the shady business dealings that started one of America's most well known symbol's, McDonald's? Also, a period piece set in my favorite modern design period, the 1950's! Not to mention Nick Offerman without a mustache. Is that even legal?! As you stated tho, it is about a older white dude. SNOOZE!! Where is the bio pic about Sister Rosetta Tharpe?! That could be Queen Latifah's Oscar winning role. 

   Side note: Is 2016 the year of the boring male bio-pic? I have seen: I Saw the Light, Miles Ahead, Born to Feel Blue, and The Man Who Knew Infinity.  At least not every film is about a white male. All male, bio-pics, all mediocre, except Miles Ahead which has been the shittiest movie I have seen this year, so far. Dear Don Cheadle, stick to acting.

  The Founder is the perfect summer film to me. Something about fast food reminds me of summer. Coming home from a long day at the beach, grabbing dinner on the go because no one wanted to cook due to the heat. This could be a reason behind sticking The Founder where it is. Moreover, McDonald's will be everywhere come Olympic time. Aren't they a sponsor of the Olympics? This could be subliminal advertising! McDonald's will be on everybody's tongues literally and figuratively this summer, so why not go to see the origin story of their burger. Seems smart to me. 

   Now on to Florence Foster Jenkins. Meryl Streep, That Guy From That Science TV Show with High Ratings, The Guy With the Hair from the 90s Who Got Caught With a Hooker, directed by your favorite Stephen Frears and written by a BBC TV period piece screenwriter. What could go wrong? Only a handful of people know who Florence Foster Jenkins is/was. I heard about FloFoJen before the interwebs were in every home. I searched for her album but never found it. Fast forward 20 years, that Broadway musical came around; I stage managed a version upstate before I retired from theatre and now this film. FloFoJen was so counterculture for many years, now you can find her hit songs on YouTube!

  What I love about the trailers for Florence Foster Jenkins is the fact you never hear Flo sing! That is what will get people in the seats. Not to mention it is costume after costume after costume. Philomena and The Queen are quiet movies that leave a large impact on you after watching them. I know FloFoJen will not be quiet by any means, but I am sure it will leave a huge impact on audiences this summer, enough to keep this film alive well thru December. Rack another Oscar Nom notch for Streep.

   Finally, your least favorite movie genre, the comic book movie. Suicide Squad could be the only way DC saves itself from being know as a shitty comic book movie producer. A bunch of villains teaming up and tearing up shit. Sounds like a kick ass movie to me. I am looking forward to Jared Leto's take on The Joker. Sending used condoms to your cast-mates sure is Method! In the trailers they tend to hid The Joker, but luckily push Harley Quinn. Finally, a female bad-ass villain who is crazy as fuck and does not give a fuck. Expect Halloween costumes galore from Suicide Squad.

   Suicide Squad fits into the Mad Max realm of movies. Action packed, punk-ish, steam-punky, money making film that will land on the Academy's radar and people will be running to buy the DVD or streaming or what ever merch the studio is pushing for that dreaded December holiday. Suicide Squad has staying power. It is up there with Deadpool, which is the best non-comic book, comic book movie to date.

   After going over the films opening this summer, my Pre-Season Favorite has to be Maggie's Plan. A modern, screwball comedy starring Greta Gerwig, Ethan Hawk, Maya Rudolph, Bill Hader, with Julianne Moore doing an accent!! Not to mention the director, Rebecca Miller was in Kate Hepburn's last movie, Love Affair. I just adore Greta Gerwig! Mistress America was such a sleeper hit from last year. She is a strong actress that has a long career ahead of her. Ethan Hawk is everywhere recently. Luckily I do not have issue with him as an actor. When Maya and Bill do straight roles vs comedic roles, I love them 100% more. Both have this energy that brings something fresh to the screen that actors without a comedic background can't do. And don't forget Julianne Moore with an accent. Need I say more? My other pick? Absolutely Fabulous! I sure do miss those broads and welcome them back with open arms and champpers!

   Sequel, sequel, sequel. That is the message for the Tent Poles of the summer. I say Independence Day 2 and Finding Dory will bring people out in droves to the theatres. No Will Smith, no big deal to me; I will be going to see Judd Hirsch do what he does best, play a cranky, old Jew. ID2 reeks of popcorn. It was been 20 years since aliens have invaded.That is a HUGE, new movie viewing demographic. People who grew up watching the VHS or DVD of the first film will be dragging their tweens and teens to the movies this summer. Same goes for Finding Dory. Finding Nemo was the movie I realized there needed to be recognition for voice over actors at the Oscars. You do bring up a valid point in The Jungle Book post discussing big name actors doing roles just to get a nomination, leaving the faceless, voice-over actors in the dark; no one really knowing them. The BFG and The Ghostbusters also appear on my list of Popcorn scented movies.

   My Summer Sleeper pick is Swiss Army Man. People will hear about the movie, basically Castaway with Wilson as a corpse played by Harry Potter and buy a ticket. Maybe it is the crazy ,odd world I live in, but I feel people will connect with this flick. Don't forget Weekend At Bernie's is still a cult hit and people refer to it in pop culture to this day! Swiss Army Man will not be nominated for anything mainstream, maybe an Spirit Award or two; I will not be surprised when this film is left off awards lists, but makes it on the best movies of 2016.

  You have some great picks, and are more often than not spot on since you know your shit; I am looking forward to seeing how your predictions turn out. I guess baseball movies are my favorite sports movie. Sandlot and A League of Their Own are two of my all time favorite films!

  Now on to our predicted least liked movies of the summer season! Can't wait to read what you have to say!


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